View Full Version : Possible Downtime in April
03-28-2019, 06:42 AM
Hello all,
I have been informed that my host server is upgrading this server to PHP 7 and discontinuing PHP5, starting in April. This site runs on PHP5 and I could upgrade to vBulletin 5 which is compatible with PHP7, but the RDE still would not be compatible without rewriting most of the code.
I contacted the customer service about it and they told me I could upgrade my hosting package to one that still supports PHP5. It sounds like a ploy to get me to pay more money, but I have no choice if I want to keep Rogue Dynasty going. They said if I upgrade my package, we will be moved to a different server so everything will have to be transferred over. I'm not sure how big of a process it will be but the site may be down for a while until everything is transferred and working again.
I will make a backup of everything before April 1st so the data will be safe when they flip the switch and break the site. Then I will upgrade my hosting package and get everything moved over as fast as I can. Please bear with me and keep the site bookmarked and check back often! We will be back!
Thanks for your support.
04-07-2019, 09:05 PM
Strange that I'd see this, seeing as how Anfiniti's forum is closed for the same reason. Though, I voluntarily decided to enforce PHP 7, seeing as how its what I'm developing my project for. I was still running vBulletin 3.8, which barely runs on PHP 5.6. There is good reason to update PHP though. Since PHP 5.6 hasn't been supported for some time (PHP 7.0 is even unsupported at this point), it grows increasingly vulnerable to exploits. Since its unmaintained, they only accumulate. That's besides the less important, but very nice performance upgrades.
I'm working on a de-facto RCS/RDE successor that I'm building from scratch. It runs on the latest PHP and MySQL/MariaDB and it will be open sourced. If anyone here can program, write, or draw, I encourage you to contribute. I should have a GitHub for the project sometime later this year. There's more information under "RPG" at "the other site". I would post links, but seeing as this is my first post, it'd probably look suspicious to whatever anti-spam you have installed.
04-08-2019, 01:12 AM
Strange that I'd see this, seeing as how Anfiniti's forum is closed for the same reason. Though, I voluntarily decided to enforce PHP 7, seeing as how its what I'm developing my project for. I was still running vBulletin 3.8, which barely runs on PHP 5.6. There is good reason to update PHP though. Since PHP 5.6 hasn't been supported for some time (PHP 7.0 is even unsupported at this point), it grows increasingly vulnerable to exploits. Since its unmaintained, they only accumulate. That's besides the less important, but very nice performance upgrades.
I'm working on a de-facto RCS/RDE successor that I'm building from scratch. It runs on the latest PHP and MySQL/MariaDB and it will be open sourced. If anyone here can program, write, or draw, I encourage you to contribute. I should have a GitHub for the project sometime later this year. There's more information under "RPG" at "the other site". I would post links, but seeing as this is my first post, it'd probably look suspicious to whatever anti-spam you have installed.
Are you Jeremy?
I have huge ideas for a mobile game that's like the RDE, but I don't have the programming knowledge or even know where to start on building a mobile or browser app. I was out of the programming game for about 8 years so my coding skills are still pretty basic but I'm taking C++ classes and I restored the RDE to get back into PHP. I figured It's a start.
I would love to work with a team though, it would be much faster than trying to do it myself. If I had a programmer and a graphics designer and all that to implement my ideas, it would be great.
Go ahead and post the links, I would like to see your open source project. Honestly, I'm not interested in making a vbulletin or forum add-on though. I would rather have a stand alone browser app that is mobile friendly and basically a mobile game. I have pages and pages of plans written and drawn up.
04-10-2019, 07:57 PM
Are you Jeremy?
I'm Sam. The original one. :p
Go ahead and post the links, I would like to see your open source project.
It's just an informational page for now, same as the Anfiniti forum (I'm transitioning hosts and bank accounts). I had a demo instance with glossary up for a while. I'll see about restoring that on my temporary host so you can get a taste of what it will look like. I'm hoping to have a Git for the project by the end of this year.
Honestly, I'm not interested in making a vbulletin or forum add-on though. I would rather have a stand alone browser app that is mobile friendly and basically a mobile game.
That's probably for the better. Making your own engine tied to proprietary code can only get you so far. Especially when its tied to a big company like Jelsoft (or whoever owns vB nowadays), and they're itching to obsolete a point release to jump on the bandwagon of some new web technology and satisfy their shareholders. You'll be stuck in the same predicament then.
04-10-2019, 11:40 PM
I'm Sam. The original one. :p
Ohhh yes, I remember the OTHER Sam. :P What ever happened to Jeremy (I think he went by Zero) and Indigo? I had them on Facebook for years but they disappeared. I don't know if they deactivated their accounts or cleaned up their friend list and I got the boot or what. I remember them being the heads of Anfiniti. Did you take over when they gave it up or was it always yours? I didn't really follow it much back then because there was a lot of drama and I just wanted to work on the RPG in peace lol. And I remember Jeremy starting his Omega Vortex company and "hiring" Scott and I and we were going to package and sell the RDE but nothing ever really happened with that.
That's probably for the better. Making your own engine tied to proprietary code can only get you so far. Especially when its tied to a big company like Jelsoft (or whoever owns vB nowadays), and they're itching to obsolete a point release to jump on the bandwagon of some new web technology and satisfy their shareholders. You'll be stuck in the same predicament then.
Exactly, I don't want to rely on a 3rd party for the backbone of the system (register, login, user table, gold management). Every time they upgrade and change something, it breaks the RDE and the code has to be rewritten.
It's just an informational page for now, same as the Anfiniti forum (I'm transitioning hosts and bank accounts). I had a demo instance with glossary up for a while. I'll see about restoring that on my temporary host so you can get a taste of what it will look like. I'm hoping to have a Git for the project by the end of this year.
I followed the link and read your information page. It sounds a lot like me lol. Funny, because we have the same name too. :P RPG Palace and the RDE and FFVII also are what inspired me to create a turn based RPG with PHP and it's how I got into programming. I got busy with work and life and strayed away from it but for the last 10 years, I always looked back and still dreamed of continuing my RDE work and creating an awesome browser based RPG. Just recently, I got the inspiration to go for it and just start small and slowly do what I can. That's why I restored the RDE. It seems like the best way to start, even though I know it's way out-dated and will need to be rebuilt from scratch eventually. Not to mention, the actual system isn't mine and I would never steal someone else's work and try to distribute or sell it. (I know Scott is here now so don't worry man, I know it's still yours. If you lost the files, I will be more than happy to give them back to you, I just want to keep my copy and my rights to the game I created with it haha) But ya, I can use the system to make my game for now and later rebuild my game on a new system if I can ever create my own.
04-11-2019, 08:16 PM
What ever happened to Jeremy (I think he went by Zero) and Indigo?
We haven't seen Jeremy in ages. We didn't really get along with him.
Did you take over when they gave it up or was it always yours?
To try and summarize briefly, Sean was the original owner after Storm yielded Anfiniti. Over time, Sean wanted to make Anfiniti into a personal Facebook for Anfiniti/RPGP people. He eventually started a new forum altogether (nicknamed Newfiniti) while "Oldfiniti" was shut down. When "Newfiniti" stopped being active he gave upon it and Indigo was left with the databases. Indigo reopened "Oldfiniti" and it was once again the official forum. During that period, Indigo made me Administrator, because I was interested in it and he was far too busy (he does programming IRL now and does not do it in spare time as much now). Eventually, Indigo stopped hosting Anfiniti, and I became the official sysadmin/webmaster from there. This is all over the course of time since 2005, when Anfiniti and RPGP initially split.
As a side note, Sean blamed trolls for Anfiniti's demise. Not the fact that everyone's older and has jobs and possibly a family, and that forums are going out of style with the advent of social media. At one point, he had driven all the "problem" people away (I was one of them), and the site still failed, because people didn't need a second Facebook to pile onto their increasingly-limited online routines. I remember finally leaving, truly believing that it would fail, and I wanted to prove it by not giving Sean a person or "people" to blame. He sucked the life out of the site, and removed the content that made it unique and special to its members. Since then, I've done more work for Anfiniti than he or anyone (besides Indigo) has ever done.
So if he happens to be here (which I doubt), he can suck it.
04-12-2019, 01:14 AM
Yeah, that's another reason I don't want the RPG to just be a forum add-on. People aren't into forums like they were back then. Back then, the RDE was meant as a side attraction to bring activity to the forums and some people even hated it because they thought it brought too many "noobs" that just wanted to play the RDE and spam the forums to get gold. The forums were the main focus. But now, everyone uses social media so they have no need to frequent a forum for discussions with friends and such. Forums are just for game support and maybe discussion about the game between players. That's why I changed the layout of these forums and made the RDE the main focus and put the help and guides and stuff at the top and the general gaming discussions at the bottom. I also removed all the forum level restrictions on classes and items because I don't think players should be forced to use the forums to gain access to in game content. I still have the "post for gold" feature, but only because I don't have proper PVE yet, so gold is very hard to get with so few players.
04-12-2019, 01:44 AM
We haven't seen Jeremy in ages. We didn't really get along with him.
To try and summarize briefly, Sean was the original owner after Storm yielded Anfiniti. Over time, Sean wanted to make Anfiniti into a personal Facebook for Anfiniti/RPGP people. He eventually started a new forum altogether (nicknamed Newfiniti) while "Oldfiniti" was shut down. When "Newfiniti" stopped being active he gave upon it and Indigo was left with the databases. Indigo reopened "Oldfiniti" and it was once again the official forum. During that period, Indigo made me Administrator, because I was interested in it and he was far too busy (he does programming IRL now and does not do it in spare time as much now). Eventually, Indigo stopped hosting Anfiniti, and I became the official sysadmin/webmaster from there. This is all over the course of time since 2005, when Anfiniti and RPGP initially split.
As a side note, Sean blamed trolls for Anfiniti's demise. Not the fact that everyone's older and has jobs and possibly a family, and that forums are going out of style with the advent of social media. At one point, he had driven all the "problem" people away (I was one of them), and the site still failed, because people didn't need a second Facebook to pile onto their increasingly-limited online routines. I remember finally leaving, truly believing that it would fail, and I wanted to prove it by not giving Sean a person or "people" to blame. He sucked the life out of the site, and removed the content that made it unique and special to its members. Since then, I've done more work for Anfiniti than he or anyone (besides Indigo) has ever done.
So if he happens to be here (which I doubt), he can suck it.
That is so funny you say that about Sean. I always figured he would be the one to cause Anfiniti's demise. He has so much hatred towards people, including myself. You probably remember me as the infamous "dragon boy" from back in the day. I think it would be awesome if you guys collaborated and made something great.
04-12-2019, 03:46 AM
We haven't seen Jeremy in ages. We didn't really get along with him.
To try and summarize briefly, Sean was the original owner after Storm yielded Anfiniti. Over time, Sean wanted to make Anfiniti into a personal Facebook for Anfiniti/RPGP people. He eventually started a new forum altogether (nicknamed Newfiniti) while "Oldfiniti" was shut down. When "Newfiniti" stopped being active he gave upon it and Indigo was left with the databases. Indigo reopened "Oldfiniti" and it was once again the official forum. During that period, Indigo made me Administrator, because I was interested in it and he was far too busy (he does programming IRL now and does not do it in spare time as much now). Eventually, Indigo stopped hosting Anfiniti, and I became the official sysadmin/webmaster from there. This is all over the course of time since 2005, when Anfiniti and RPGP initially split.
As a side note, Sean blamed trolls for Anfiniti's demise. Not the fact that everyone's older and has jobs and possibly a family, and that forums are going out of style with the advent of social media. At one point, he had driven all the "problem" people away (I was one of them), and the site still failed, because people didn't need a second Facebook to pile onto their increasingly-limited online routines. I remember finally leaving, truly believing that it would fail, and I wanted to prove it by not giving Sean a person or "people" to blame. He sucked the life out of the site, and removed the content that made it unique and special to its members. Since then, I've done more work for Anfiniti than he or anyone (besides Indigo) has ever done.
So if he happens to be here (which I doubt), he can suck it.
No worries, he's not here. I just got Scott to resurface though. I was trying to redirect him here. Thought maybe the 3 of you could collab on something.
I'm gonna get into coding more myself. I find it Ironic Sean blamed trolls for Anfiniti. He literally unleashed his trolls on everyone of my attempts at a forum. Idk if you know me I use to go by Vengeance or Killer Instinct. I ran, Twisted Carnage Gaming, and Project Calamity. The last one, they hacked eith an SQL Injection.
04-13-2019, 02:44 AM
No worries, he's not here.
Part of me wished he was so I could tell him to suck it. :cool:
Idk if you know me I use to go by Vengeance or Killer Instinct. I ran, Twisted Carnage Gaming, and Project Calamity. The last one, they hacked eith an SQL Injection.
Yeah, I remember you. I didn't take part in those raids, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a few laughs at your expense. I wouldn't tolerate that kind of thing these days. I'm a big supporter of the free software movement and I think, with that, comes a broader view of hacking. Hacking originally meant customizing and designing software -- making your computer work for you. It's a playful term that has its roots in the early '70s, and "hacker" was a title bestowed upon you by other skilled developers. Cracking (criminal hacking) is what the media means when they say "hacking". Cracking demonstrates a really poor grasp of software, and more specifically, software freedom and privacy. Anyone who is good at cracking would make money doing it as a white hat. Gray hats are edgey tryhards who think their moral code is the only code you can live by, and black hats are le ebin anonymouse xD script kiddies.
That is so funny you say that about Sean. I always figured he would be the one to cause Anfiniti's demise. He has so much hatred towards people, including myself.
Anfiniti's decline in activity was inevitable. Sean refused to see that and sucked all the life out of the place in a vain effort to capitalize. When his dream of high post counts and monetized page loads didn't come to fruition, he just gave up and quit. I agree, he had a general disdain for his members. It was all about post counts. Even if it meant a forum full of "Let's Count to 100,000" and "What are you listening to?" threads. Those days, there were lots of posts, but zero content. These days, it's all shitposting and all culture. Sure, we average 0.5 PPD, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
You probably remember me as the infamous "dragon boy" from back in the day. I think it would be awesome if you guys collaborated and made something great.
I remember both of your aliases. I don't think you're infamous in any bad sense of the word. At least you're not DragonLord3688 or 2-KDragon. ;)
I still have the "post for gold" feature, but only because I don't have proper PVE yet, so gold is very hard to get with so few players.
For PvE, I have an "infinite quest" system planned, where you can get a procedurally generated quest from a list of topics, npcs, and resources. The resources are persistent, and money is earned from your faction. The factions are paid by "The Dealer", who requires mercenary (player) services and crafts resources in a limited quantity. The Dealer is then paid by merchants who by his resources for their stock. The stock is then paid for by players, who are in turn paid as mercenaries by their respective faction (in intervals, similar to FF8). Capital is slowly introduced by the starting wallets of new players, which in turn allows merchants to increase their stock to meet demand.
It will require lots of testing once I have a working demo of the system, but the idea is to have have a system where resources and money are persistent, have a limit in quantity and time, and every transaction has a meaning and can be tracked. This should create realistic value and prices can be set, not on guesswork, but on real demand for resources.
If you're interested in this kind of thing, read up on game theory. It's a subset of economics and I've found a few books at my local book store on the subject.
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