Sometimes things in life well don't go the way we plan. We look back on our past to realize the things we've done wrong and the things we did for the better of not only our life, But the lives of others. My life has been difficult along the way but never like this. Here I will tell you about the things that have happened to me within this week. I want you to tell me what you think about what I write here for one Reason It's coming from my heart and It's Rare for me to type out and share things like this with others. So please leave your comments (good or bad).

Situation 1.

Me and my friend Sam had a decent friendship. We would Go for walk and just talk about life in general. I would tell her about mine and the things that were going on and she would tell me about hers. We would always have fun without a doubt even tho when we say we were going for a walk we would end up at the same old place every time. Which was the elementary School's Playground. We always found each other giving one another pointers and help each other out seeing we became pretty close over the year. She Began telling me about how her and her boyfriend Brandon have been going out for 1 month and still know nothing about one another. Well as it seemed to me she needed to have a talk with him so I told her so. She responded to me " But he's always grounded and I can never talk to him. Nore can I see him. " Once she said that I was curious. So i asked her why did she date him and why she is still with him? " Because I see something in him I just don't know what yet." I completely understood because I to was kinda in a situation at that moment where I was waiting for something to happen. Thats when she said the thing that struck confusion to my face. " But the other reason I'm staying with him is because of Taylor" With confusion spinning in my head I asked her what she ment. " I mean I know that If I Break up with Brandon and date another guy then mine and his friendship is going to be over." Well to me that made no sense other than he was trying to be selfish and have her to himself or he wasn't going to be her friend. So I told her what he was doing is childish and he needs to realize that he can't always get what he wants no matter how childish he wants to be. She now begins to tell me that I don't know the whole story and how she has treated him. Tho it really didn't matter What she did to him he shouldn't have to swoop so low and pull something that childish just to be with her. So to myself I'm thinking " Ok this guy is way beyond desperate." I continue to tell her how childish he was being even if she treated him bad. That should have made him go away if anything, But she was to stuck on proving me wrong that she became blind on what Taylor was trying to do. (Come between her and Brandon). As we began to walk to her Grandma's place we continued to argue about it. So I finally told her " Look you need to snap into reality and realize whats going on and what he's trying to do". She stood there looking at me like I was crazy and finally spoke up " I am in reality Travis! " As she grabbed my arm " Come on I have to hurry to my Grandma's" I stood firm not letting her budge me at all. " Then go you simply don't need me" I pulled away from her and began walking the opposite way back to my house as she yelled out. " so your leaving me because of this?" I turned slowly and let out softly just enough where she could hear. " Sorry Sam. you'll understand someday I'm trying to help you." I've never seen or talked to her sense.

Situation 2

Mary.. what isn't there to say about her. She's funny, a good friend, Loves to help me out with anything she possibly can. I met her a little over a year ago. She was one of my cousins friends and she saw me on his myspace and decided to add me and we began talking. we just started talking a little at a time and it became more and more as time progressed and we got to know one another. she was dating this one guy Named Chris at the time. Now awhile back ago Sam (mentioned in Situation 1) dated this Same Chris and he was still trying to date Sam Tho he was dating Mary. So I told Mary what was going on and she didn't believe me when I told her that he was trying to get back with his ex and try to cheat on her. So me and Mary got into a real big argument and never talked to one another for a long time. Well about 2 or 3 months ago she messaged me saying Hi and stuff and I saw she wasn't dating Chris anymore. So I asked her what happened between them and all and she told me everything. From where it was true about what I said and how he went to a different ex and cheated on her. Her new b/f Adam (whom only dated her for a week before he asked her to marry him) seemed to be a asshole to her. Well we became close friends closer than before and she told me that I was the best friend she's ever had and how she wanted me to be her Bffl because I was always giving her advice and things. Well recently her grandma has been yelling at her for no apparent reason (She lives with her grandma's). She began to talk about suicide and I talked her out of it. Then she talked about running away with Adam. I asked her why and her response was " because my grandma for some reason has called the TDH people to come and get me. I don't know what to do other than run away" She came to me asking me what she should do. As a friend I didn't want to see her get sent to TDH so I told her the best idea would to run away. But only if she knew where she was going. Well her little sis gets on her aim this afternoon telling me " Mj's Run away" I began to feel bad seeing she also told me " and Adam said he's done with her and there over" Thats what struck me seeing she was soposed to go to his house and he knew it. So i feel that he set Mary up to be screwed over. So now I have no idea where one of my friends are and I'm totally worried...