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Thread: Equipment Effects

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    Default Equipment Effects

    This is a guide to equipment effects. You can see what effects an item has by viewing its description in the Library. You will see “Adds:” below the description, then a list of its effects. Most equipment only adds stats, like +5 atk or +10 def for example. But some have other special effects and you might not know what they do.

    So, here’s a list of equipment effects and what they do.

    Weapon Effects

    [Element] Strike
    Weapons with the “[Element] Strike” effect add certain elements to your normal attack. They also allow you to cast spells of the corresponding elements.
    Example: Fire Strike. This adds the Fire element to your attack and allows you to cast Fire/Fira/Firaga (depending on the level of the weapon).

    There are also some words, you might not know about, that refer to a combination of elements. Those include:
    Tetra – Refers to the basic elements. (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind)
    Omni – Refers to ALL elements. (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Water, Wind, Shadow, Holy, Gravity)
    So if a weapon had the effect “Tetra Strike”, it would add the basic elements to your attack.

    If your weapon has “Gravity Strike” it will add 10% of the enemy’s HP to the total damage. Gravity is the only element that is not affected by other elements.

    The only time an [Element] Strike (besides Gravity) will make a difference in the damage you cause is if the enemy is wearing an armor or accessory type that has certain elemental strengths/weaknesses.

    [Status] Touch
    Weapons with the “[Status] Touch” effect can inflict certain statuses (usually negative statuses) on the enemy just by touching them.
    Example: Poison Touch. This will cause your normal attack to poison the enemy.
    [Status] Touch will not work if they are immune to the status.

    [Status] Break
    Weapons with the “[Status] Break” effect will dispel (remove) certain statuses (usually positive statuses) from the enemy.
    Example: Shell Break. This will cause your attack to dispel the Shell status from the enemy if they have it.

    There are also some words that refer to a combination of statuses, that you might not know about. Those include:
    Wall – Shell + Protect
    Barrier – Shell + Protect + Reflect
    Regenja – Regen + MP Regen
    Stats Up – Atk Up, Def Up, MO Up, MD Up
    So if your weapon has the effect “ Wall Break”, it will dispel both Shell and Protect if the enemy has one or both of those statuses.

    If your weapon dispels ALL positive statuses from the enemy, the effect is simply called “Dispel”.

    [Status] Break and Dispel will not work if the enemy is wearing an armor or accessory type equipment that automatically sets that status on their character.

    Weapons with the “Drain” effect will restore your HP equal to the damage you cause to the enemy.
    There are also “MP Drain”, which damages the enemy’s MP and restores your MP equal to that amount, and “Double Drain” which damages the enemy and their MP and restore your HP and MP equal to the amount of HP and MP damage you caused, respectively.

    MP Damage
    Weapons with the “MP Damage” effects will damage the enemy’s MP instead of HP.

    [Multiple] Damage
    Weapons with the “[Multiple] Damage” effect will multiply the normal damage by a certain amount.
    Example: Double Damage. This will multiply the normal damage your attack would do by 2.

    Weapons with the “Zantetsu” effect will cause your attack to do more damage as your HP gets lower.

    Soul Link
    Weapons with the “Soul Link” effect will cause your attack to do more damage when you are at full health but less if you are at low HP. The weapon weakens as you weaken.

    Weapons with the “Nirvana” effect will cause summons (Summoner class only) to always perform their highest powered attacks.

    Healing Touch
    Weapons with the “Healing Touch” effect will restore your HP if you target yourself with an attack. Targetting the enemy will still damage them; it only heals it's owner.

    Half MP Cost
    Just as the name says, weapons with the “Half MP Cost” effect, will cut the MP cost of your skills/spells in half.

    Magic Booster
    Weapons with the “Magic Booster” effect will cause your MAGIC skills/spells to do more damage but it also doubles their MP cost.

    Weapons with the “Darkside” effect will cause your attack to do more damage, but also do a little damage to you. The amount of damage done to you and the enemy depends on how much HP you have. More damage done to you means more damage added to your attack damage. The Darkside effect will never kill your character. If your HP is at 1 or 2, the effect will not work.

    Magic Attack
    Weapons with the “Magic Attack” effect will attack using the MO and MD stats instead of the Atk and Def stats.

    Dragon Slayer
    Weapons with the “Dragon Slayer” effect will cause double damage to Dragons and Dragon Warriors when used for attacking.

    Demon Killer
    Weapons with the "Demon Killer" effect will cause double damage to Dark (evil) based classes when used for attacking.

    Weapons with the "Weaken" effect will set ATK/DEF/MO/MD Dwn statuses on the enemy.

    Weapons with the "Multi-Hit" effect will hit multiple enemies in 3 on 3 bot battles.

    Weapons with the "Confine" effect will set the Confined status on the enemy which prevents them from running from the battle.

    Weapons with the "Slingshot" effect allow to use nuts (ex: Pram Nut, Parov Nut) in battle to inflict varius statuses on the enemy.

    Liquid Metal
    Weapons with the "Liquid Metal" effect will always deal 2 damage to nanobots and Nanotech.

    Armor/Headgear/Shield/Accessory Effects

    [Element] Ward
    Armor and accessory types with the “[Element] Ward” effect will lower the damage caused by certain elemental attacks/skills from the enemy.
    Example: Fire Ward. This will cut damage from Fire-based attack/skills in half. There are some drawbacks to having elemental properties on your equipment though. If it receives less damage from one element, it will receive more damage from that element’s opposite element. To understand this, you need to know how elements work, so here is a little guide to elements:

    Each element (except Gravity) has an opposite element that it will do more damage to and receive more damage from, and a complementary element that it will cause less damage to and receive less damage from. You can view each element’s complement and opposite in the element descriptions in the Library.
    Here is a chart of opposite and complementary elements:


    Fire - Lightning
    Ice - Water
    Wind - Holy
    Shadow - Earth

    So, if you have the Fire Ward effect, for example, damage from Fire based attacks and skills will be halved, but damage from Ice based attacks and skills will cause 50% MORE damage, since Ice is Fire’s opposite element. BUT, it will also cut damage from Lightning based attacks/skills by 25%, since Lightning is Fire’s complement, and you also receive 25% MORE damage from Water elemental attacks/skills since Water is Lightning’s opposite. It’s really not as confusing as it sounds…

    [Element] Proof
    Armor and accessory types with the “[Element] Proof” effect will block certain elements.
    Example: Fire Proof. This blocks any Fire attacks/skills the enemy uses, and you will receive no damage.
    Also, using the same example, you will receive 75% MORE damage from Ice elemental attacks/skills since Ice is Fire’s opposite. Fire Proof will also cut Lightning elemental damage in half since Lightning is Fire’s complement, and receive 50% more damage from Water since it is Lightning’s opposite.

    [Element] Eater
    Armor and accessory types with the “[Element] Eater” effect will absorb certain elements. This means you will recover HP equal to the damage you would normally take and you won’t take any damage.
    Example: Fire Eater. This absorbs any Fire attacks/skills the enemy uses, and you will receive no damage.
    Also, using the same example, you will receive DOUBLE damage from Ice elemental attacks/skills since Ice is Fire’s opposite. Fire Eater will also block Lightning elemental damage since Lightning is Fire’s complement, and receive 75% more damage from Water since it is Lightning’s opposite.

    If you are still confused this might clear it up:

    Ward – Cuts primary (Fire, in the Fire Ward example) elemental damage in half, but receives 50% MORE damage from primary’s opposite (Ice, in the Fire Ward example). Cuts secondary (primary’s complement, Lightning in the Fire Ward example) elemental damage by 25%, but receives 25% MORE damage from the secondary’s opposite (Water, in the Fire Ward example).

    Proof – Blocks primary elemental damage, but receives 75% MORE damage from primary’s opposite. Cuts secondary elemental damage in half but receives 50% MORE damage from secondary’s opposite.

    Eater – Absorbs primary element, but receives DOUBLE damage from primary’s opposite. Blocks secondary element but receives 75% more damage from secondary’s opposite.

    Also, “Tetra” and “Omni” are also used with these. (Tetra Ward, Omni Proof for example). “Tetra” and “Omni” are described in the weapon effects section above.

    [Status] Proof
    Armor and accessory types with the “[Status] Proof” effect will make your character immune to certain statuses (usually negative statuses).
    Example: Poison Proof. This makes you immune to poison, so if the enemy’s attack or skill would normally poison you, it will not affect you.

    There is also “Magic Proof”, “Attack Proof”, and “Overkill Proof”. Magic Proof will block any magic attacks/skills from the enemy AND YOU. Attack Proof will block any physical damage from attacks and skills. Overkill Proof will block any “Overkill” attacks/skills. Overkill is when the attack or skill does more damage than your Max HP.

    There are also some effect names that refer to multiple status immunities. Those are:

    Time Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to statuses that disable your character. Those statuses are Sleep, Paralyze, Slow, and Stop.

    Sanity Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to statuses that affect your mind. Those statuses are Berserk, Confuse, Desperate, Fear, Pressured, and Mindless.

    Life Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to life threatening statuses. It makes you immune to instant death (which is not a status), Doom, and Zombie.

    Health Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to statuses that affect your health. Those statuses include HP reducing statuses (Burn, Poison, etc) and Mini.

    Magic Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to statuses that disable your magic or skills. Those statuses are MO Down, MD Down, Curse, Silence, Berserk, Desperate, Fear, Paralyze, Sleep, Pressured, and Stop.

    Strength Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to statuses that disable your attack or lower your stats. Those statuses are Disarm, Atk Dwn, Def Dwn, MO Dwn, and MD Dwn.

    Sense Preserver
    This effect makes you immune to statuses that affect your senses. Those statuses are Silence and Blind.

    This effect makes you immune to ALL negative statuses.

    Armor and accessory types with the “Auto-[Status]” effect will automatically set certain statuses (usually positive statuses) on your character. These statuses will never wear off and cannot be dispelled.
    Example: Auto-Regen. This will give your character an everlasting Regen status, as long as the armor/accessory is equipped.

    Auto-[Status] effects can also use the combination names like “Wall” and “Regenja”. Those are described in the weapon effects section above.

    Warrior’s Soul
    This is a special effect that uses negative statuses in the Auto-[Status]. Warrior’s Soul adds Auto-Berserk and Auto-Poison, but also Adds Auto-Stats Up. “Stats Up” refers to Atk Up, Def Up, MO Up, and MD Up. This makes your character have very high attack and defense but you can only attack and you slowly die.

    This is a special effect that combines Auto-[Status] with [Status] Proof. Purification adds Auto-Regen, Poison Proof, and Zombie Proof.

    Armor with the "Nanotech" effect will reduce all physical damage to 0 or 1 and is uneffected by magic. However, it reduces your capacity to live (max HP) to a small fraction of the normal amount. It also raises the success rate of the Run command to 100% (from 50%).

    SOS [Status]
    “SOS” is when your character’s HP is critically low. Your character is considered “critical” when your HP is below 30% of your Max HP. The color of the HP will change to yellow when you are critical. The “SOS [Status]” effect will make a certain status take affect when your character is in a critical state.
    Example: SOS Protect. This will make the Protect status take affect on your character when his/her HP is below 30%. But, if your HP goes above 30%, it will no longer be in affect.

    SOS [Status] effects can also use the combination names like “Wall” and “Regenja”. Those are described in the weapon effects section above.

    There are also SOS Attack Proof and SOS Magic Proof. These will make physical and magic attacks/skills have no effect on your character when you are below 30% HP, respectively.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 08-04-2020 at 01:03 PM.

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