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Thread: Arcade Games!!

  1. #21
    The Infection of Lands
    Virus's Avatar
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    New York


    Acutally, no. O.A. barely knows any coding. Only enough to make weapons and items for the rde. SO don't go assume cause he can make that stuff that he can code. Also all you would need to do is install the casino mod, and then go around and change all the factors in the rde to the user table that the casino mod uses. Or just rewrite the casino mod to use the money table that the rde uses.

    Which i doubt any of them have the time to do. Since Indigo is busy with his and Jermey's business organization. And really don't have alot of time to dedicaate to the site.

    And you can't do the first option cause only storm can edit the source code. Less they got a fully unstrapped version.

    But still trust me i know what i'm talking bout. Plus i'm back now. Cause schools over. And actually what lead to that was the site getting hacked Rune. Thats what lead to it falling.

  2. #22
    Power Inside Omega Arc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vengeance View Post
    Acutally, no. O.A. barely knows any coding. Only enough to make weapons and items for the rde. SO don't go assume cause he can make that stuff that he can code. Also all you would need to do is install the casino mod, and then go around and change all the factors in the rde to the user table that the casino mod uses. Or just rewrite the casino mod to use the money table that the rde uses.

    Which i doubt any of them have the time to do. Since Indigo is busy with his and Jermey's business organization. And really don't have alot of time to dedicaate to the site.

    And you can't do the first option cause only storm can edit the source code. Less they got a fully unstrapped version.

    But still trust me i know what i'm talking bout. Plus i'm back now. Cause schools over. And actually what lead to that was the site getting hacked Rune. Thats what lead to it falling.
    Who the fuck you think you are saying I can barely code?Do you know me in real life??Do you even know what my Major in college is??Guess not or else you wouldn't be talking this kind of shit.

  3. #23
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
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    OA can probably code better than I can, he has taken more advanced college courses. I only took basic ones.

  4. #24
    The Infection of Lands
    Virus's Avatar
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    Well from everyone that Use to admin at Palace, including Drake, and Sasuke you can barely code. And well you only codded basic crap. Plus if you could code how come oyu never started your own thing?

  5. #25
    Power Inside Omega Arc's Avatar
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    Yes, now you've answered my question.You don't know me at all.Mike knew NOTHING about coding, most of the stuff he made were existing mods AND some were made by guess who??Me.
    Sasuke is a total fraud, so I won't even mention him.
    Where did the idea of someone knowing how to code (oh I'm still on college, if you need me to repeat) equals starting a project?Oh and show me where I flamed you in my post??By saying you didn't know me??OMG I FLAMED HIM!!!!!!one!!eleven!!also, double posting isn't allowed,warned.

  6. #26
    Albel the Wicked Albel Nox's Avatar
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    Ok Serioulsy Rob... your just edgeing and Provokeing him.. which puts you in the wrong. OA your a great Coder from what I've seen and if sammage says your better than him then god knows what your capable of.

    Now Rob with all your talking I doubt anyone's rele gonna want to Mod you b/c it seems to me your have some problems at the moment. Just calm down and stop talking about others abilities to code and maybe you can get somewhere.

  7. #27
    Half-Elf Kratos Aurion's Avatar
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    I just wanted an arcade......

  8. #28
    Albel the Wicked Albel Nox's Avatar
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    Kratos I'm sure we will get one somehow. Just Rob had to Start Drama about things saying OA can't code which is know he can. I'm sure Allen will figure something out.

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