Batman just has cool gadgets. He's resourceful. My favorite superhero would be Wolverine. I always wanted claws like that, even if they would rip pmy skin to come out. Plus regeneratio!
And my favorite villain is the Juggernaut bitch!!!
Batman just has cool gadgets. He's resourceful. My favorite superhero would be Wolverine. I always wanted claws like that, even if they would rip pmy skin to come out. Plus regeneratio!
And my favorite villain is the Juggernaut bitch!!!
The best super hero : Jesus
The best super villain: Satan
The hero dies though sad story.=/
Odin, slayer of Leviathan! King of kings, man of men!
I'd definately have to say the best villian ever was Cell from DBZ, he went out cheap though
lmao the best hero i guess would have to be spiderman, but not toby macguire i cry alot spidey, classic spidey, the badass comic book one who had problems but didnt cry....oh and besty villain runnnner up to cell....venom, another one the movies messed up
I could become a superhero with my cyborg abilities, but Master said the police don't take kindly to vigilantes. I suppose if I had to choose a favorite superhero, I'd choose myself. I am only a superhero in theory, of course.