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Thread: Jester Scroll

  1. #1

    Default Jester Scroll

    where can I find one?

  2. #2
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    That's a bit hard to obtain. I won't tell you exactly how, but it's in a Casino.

    I would suggest sticking with Thief for now. It's good for getting more items and gold by stealing. Your only other option for Tier 2 is Lycan but it will cost you. The scroll is 50,000 gold. There will be a boss that drops the Lycan scroll soon but I haven't got the quest up yet. You're the first person to make it to level 10. I will add some level 10~15 monsters ASAP. There are level 15~20 monsters in Peak City but they may be too tough for a level 10.

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