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Thread: Magic damage not working properly

  1. #1

    Default Magic damage not working properly

    So I fought a Lamia and her spells diddnt do any damage. Also remember when we battled (allensam) when you casted Ixion. That diddnt do damage as well.

    Edit: Confirmed it. Casted Aero magic and it does not do any damage.
    Last edited by Solgud; 02-22-2020 at 09:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Site Owner
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    Mar 2007


    I fixed Ixion. For the Aero, I will need more info. What were you casting Aero from or was it a monster casting it? If the monster is too weak it may result in 0 damage. With attacks it defaults to 1 damage but with magic it can be 0 because magic doesn't always do damage, sometimes it just sets statuses or something.

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