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Thread: I am so curious

  1. #1

    Default I am so curious

    There are some things I wanted to ask:

    Are all Chocobos (including gold chocobo), Mask type accessories, oblivion potion, enemy lure, arks, pendant of mastery and ultimate sets fully obtainable as of now? Because some players are fully equipped and I really don't have the idea where to get it.

    And is there a chance to hit the 777 in slots?

    Edit: Just recently, I tried the nanotech armor. Some fight makes my hp drop to 9 because I got hit once so I tried to switch back the armor that I usually use. My remaining hp stayed at 9 while my maximum hp returns to normal. Is it intentional?
    Last edited by Kraugel; 06-09-2020 at 09:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Site Owner
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    The Seven Sins Masks (Greed, Gluttony, Pride etc) and the Arks are not obtainable yet. Those are story items, I'm sure you remember from the Prologue. They will be obtainable when the story maps are accessible. The other items you listed are all obtainable except for a few of the pendant of masteries. I know Pendant of Mastery Lv 15 is obtainable. I can't remember for the others.

    The Ultimate sets are obtainable, but you won't be able to use them because they can only be used by "Ultimate" characters which are characters that have reached max level and have been reborn by using the Rebirth Stone item. It will also be obtainable in a future story map.

    The chance of hitting 777 in slots is VERY VERY VERY slim lol. As of now, no one has ever hit it.

    If you remove the Nanotech armor outside of battle, you have to use a potion or Inn to restore your HP. It's kind of intentional because if it restored your HP to normal, you could use it to heal characters for free. I'm sure there is a way around it but I just didn't think it was necessary. When you're in battle, if the armor is destroyed, your HP will return to normal though. It works just like the Justice boss.
    Last edited by AllenSam; 06-09-2020 at 10:32 AM.

  3. #3


    Noted. Thanks!

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