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Thread: Hello, any tips for a begginer?

  1. #1

    Default Hello, any tips for a begginer?

    Hi guys, started playing today and I am almost level 6 as a human thief, I have 2 quests The Rogue Factory (defeat peak city guard) and Thief Catcher (teach mysterious thief a lesson) are these quests that I can already do? And what do I need to do? Thanks and I am loving this game exceot that I am a little lost but learning

  2. #2
    Cosmic Sorcerer of Nothingness Phos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2020


    grind by fighting opponents with a slightly higher level than you so you can gain more exp.

    you can beat enemies easily by elemental advantages/weakness, using potions and etc.
    You should use your attacks and potions strategically.
    Since you're level 6, you should get lv5 items. I think it's better to head South of Mayakan first before going west, that is my opinion

  3. #3
    Cosmic Sorcerer of Nothingness Phos's Avatar
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    Oct 2020


    Also since you're a thief, you should focus on physical stats instead of magical.

  4. #4
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Those 2 quests are for level 15~20. Did you already finish the quest from the Pharmacy in Mayakan Kingdom? That will get you to the World Map and some free travel tickets.

    I would recommend exploring as much of the map as you can and finding as many quests as you can. I know everyone has different play styles when it comes to RPG's. If you like to grind your level up first then focus on quests, like Phos, that's cool too, but in my opinion, it makes the game too easy. You can gain enough levels to do the quests as you find them pretty easily just by traveling and exploring. If you get stuck, just stop and level up a few levels until you can beat the boss or monsters on the map you need to cross. Also, the more quests you finish, the more badges you will get. Badges increase your exp gained so in the long run, if you focus on quests first, you can level faster later.

  5. #5


    Thanks guys, right now I am level 12 leveling in Lava path with some fire resistance gear so its easier. I already have the map and now other quests but I am getting better to know where to go or not. Steal can give me lots of items to sell and earn a good money but I need a couple level 10 dagger and dont know where to buy it, any tips on this?

  6. #6
    Cosmic Sorcerer of Nothingness Phos's Avatar
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    Oct 2020


    beat the thief in the airship and once you beat him, he'll sell thief class items

  7. #7
    Site Owner
    AllenSam's Avatar
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    Mar 2007


    Yeah, thief is a great class to start with. You can easily get lots of gold and items. Some items can only be obtained by stealing so even if you use a new class later, it's good to keep a Thief in your party.

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